
How to Start a Morning Routine

Routines are very helpful in establishing priorities that are important.  On the journey to success, creating schedules that are consistent signifies what is important to you. You choose what you want to focus on and make it a part of your day.   Your routine should also align with your goals.

Setting healthy habits minimizes distractions. When you automate your daily happenings and know when and what you need to get done, you free up mental space that will allow you to do the things that are important to you. Routines and habits can lead to creativity.

You can design a routine for the morning, the workday, and for the evening. First, take a look at what you are currently doing and make note of it.  Whether you tried to or not, you have already established a routine. However, it is best to look at what you would like to incorporate into your daily habits so that they will align with your goals. And, you intentionally eliminate the habits that do not serve you.

You can try a few of the habits listed below to incorporate into your daily routine for productivity.


Give yourself more time in the morning.

How early can you wake up in the morning to begin working on some of your most important tasks such as meditating, journaling, exercising, or working on your new business ideas?  Set a time to go to bed a little earlier so you can wake up a bit earlier and avoid the snooze button, okay?  Avoid the snooze button!

Make your bed.

That’s all.  Make your bed.  Start your day off with a freshly made bed and feel really good about pulling back the sheets at the end of the day to enjoy a good night’s rest.

Review your most important plans for the day.

Before the day’s happenings begin, you can take a moment to look at the plans or to-do list and prioritize what is most important to focus on for the day.

Express gratitude and choose a form of meditation.

The morning time is a good time to express gratitude, write in your journal, meditate or participate in some form of body movement or exercise. When you rise in the morning, your thoughts are fresh and it can help you start the day with positive thoughts and healthy activity.

Set a time for checking emails and social media.

Checking emails first thing in the morning can cause overwhelm and social media stats and updates can add to the unwanted stress.  Schedule a time to begin looking at your digital devices that will work best for you once you have had time to embrace the beauty of the morning intentionally.