
How to Create a Vision Board that Works

I was introduced to vision boards in 2012 shortly after my youngest daughter was born. I was online and found a success coach speaking about them and how she used it to manifest a great life. And, I desperately wanted to manifest some good things in my life.  I had dreams of starting a business and earning extra money while I worked full-time and raised young children.  I gave it a try and grabbed all of the magazines I could find and poster materials and begin to craft the perfect vision for me at that time.

My very first vision board was fun to create but I made a vision board mistake, I just added photos that I thought looked great and big words and then fully covered the poster and tucked it away in a closet. And, later on, when I was decluttering, I found it.  And, I questioned whether these manifestation tools would actually work.  I later read The Secret by Rhonda Byrne (and watched it) and was intrigued by those who gave their statements on how and why vision boards work.  And, I set out to do another vision board and added intention to each image and word that I put on my board.

In this post, I will share with you how these steps helped me manifest good things in my life.  I create these boards each year, sometimes twice a year. And, I encourage you to intentionally create a board that will work for you.

  1. Decide on what you want to manifest.

Take some time to think about your goals or what you are wanting to manifest. Focus on what you would like to change or refresh in your life. Write them down and be certain that these goals will bring you joy. You may want to start your list with several things and then narrow them down as you begin to hone in on what you would like to create for your life.  Do not rush this process. Avoid writing your “wish list” (goals) with “I want a…I would like to…I wish I could have…”   Do you want to level up your career, start a new business, save more money, or a new car?  Make note of the desire specifically.  Then you are ready to move on to the next step.

  1. Gather your vision board supplies.

You can create a traditional vision board by using the image and text cutouts and pasting them to a poster board or corkboard.  Or, you can create a free online vision board using Canva, PicMonkey, or if you have access to Photoshop. You can make the board as large or small to your preferred use. Use your goals list to search for the images and text that best represents what you want to manifest.  If you find pictures and words online, copy and paste them to a document and save a file on your computer (for example, Vision Board 2023).

  1. Create your vision board.

This manifestation tool is solely for you.  As you begin to arrange your images and words on your preferred board, be sure you have the imagery that truly symbolizes what you want.  You have the freedom to design your board as it will bring joy to you so exercise your right to do so.  However, if your board includes too many images and becomes cluttered, you may sense a bit of overwhelm when you view this on a regular basis.  The goal is to see each image or saying clearly so it can spark joy.  You can freely arrange all images all over t he board or create sections that make sense to you (e.g. Health, Career, Business, Travel).  Have fun doing this.

  1. Find the best location for your board.

Choose a location for your board where you can see if often.  If you chose a traditional poster board, consider placing it in the area where you get dressed (just don’t put it in the back of your closet where you will forget about it). A printable vision board that is the size of a regular sheet of paper (8.5×11) can also be placed in your planner, journal, or a frame that you can sit on your desk.

*I designed my vision board to go in my planner and I laminated the sheets so that I won’t damage the pages from daily use.

  1. Express gratitude.

Now that you have created your vision board with your intended images, it’s time to express gratitude for the life that you are manifesting.  As you look at your board, visualize yourself receiving the desire and be grateful.

The images and texts are not mystical tools that will just magically make your desires appear. You will have to apply action into making your vision a reality. Align your thoughts with the new life that you are designing by reviewing your goals and taking steps consistently that will lead you to the results. Be thankful for all that is coming your way and the new life that you are actively taking part in.