I started my business almost 10 years ago while sitting in my living room working from a borrowed computer. I worked hard on my little business even when people told me that I wouldn’t or couldn’t do well.
I had the dream to work full time in my business and never took my eyes off of that. There were a lot of mistakes, late nights, money spent, hearts broken, doubts, and questions. In a market, where I was said to fail, I’m now a full time entrepreneur. I do exactly what I love to do everyday. Was it hard? Yes. Is it still hard, Yes. Do I have any regrets? NO.
It is because I made it (by faith) and chose to follow the path God has created for me, I’m here. Tish Bullard Events is here. And, I want the best for you and your beautiful idea and emerging business. You can start a successful business and thrive wherever you are geographically, economically and mentally. Especially if you have someone cheering you on and helping you shape the one thing that tends to get in the way of you and your purpose…your mindset.
And, I want to help you. I’m introducing to you a TeleWorkshop that will be supportive and encouraging to Emerging Entrepreneurs. The Emerging Entrepreneur Workshop is for women who would like to: start a business from home or part-time, ready to launch their business within the next 6 months, or need to reset their mindset and refresh their brand.
I’m going to offer the first Tele Workshop series to a limited number of “Emergers”. If you are an Emerging Entrepreneur and ready to jumpstart your business, I’d love for you to join me soon.