
Category Archives: Self Care

Seeing the Good During a Crisis

Times are most definitely very different with everything almost being closed or cancelled. Usually, I would have a fully planned week filled with commitments and work related events but with a blink of an eye, that has all changed. I would find myself extremely exhausted from all that I had going on and would pray...

Stay Hydrated, Friend!

stay hydrated

I have to make myself drink water, sometimes. And, that means that I have to actively plan to drink it. This post is a sweet reminder to you, friend, that we need to step up our water game so that we can be hydrated, healthy, and have some of the best skin around. Seriously, the...

The Benefits of Saying No

At the beginning of the year, I came across quite a few sweet souls that would advise me to learn to say No. At first, I thought it was a coincidence and then I thought to myself that I can easily decline invitations and opportunities that didn’t serve me. What I didn’t realize was that...

Eat the Cake, Buy the Shoes

Have you ever found yourself getting so bogged down with your to do lists, goal lists or whatever lists you’ve created but found that you were being super hard on yourself?! I have. And, sometimes I do. When it comes to that point, I have to remind myself that life is too short…eat the cake,...